Live and Let Eat

Too uncoordinated for sports, too tone deaf to join a band, and too unfortunately-named to be naturally cool, Wendell is beginning to think he’ll never get a date.  After a defeating day of 12 rejections in 11 attempts, Wendell decides to eat his feelings at the ice cream.  Unbeknownst to him, his furious eating draws a crowd.  And the attention of has-been superstar competitive eater Ned “No Chew” Chewoski.  Through a series of elaborate montages, each more dietarily irresponsible than the last, No Chew has Wendell on a meteoric rise in the competitive eating circuit.  Will Wendell conquer the mythical quadruple deuce scoop, achieving competitive eating immortality?  And what will rise faster, Wendell’s fame, love life or cholesterol?